So here's mine, and feel free to add yours as well:
1.) "Consumer reports" yawn. We had to buy a new dishwasher
2.) "Sears" again, dishwasher related
3.) "Eric Kent 2008 Chardonnay" my friend has been really into this wine - try it! It's yummy
4.) "Channing Tatum" this must have been after my 'Magic Mike' screening
5.) "Cindy McCain" no idea why I thought to Google her
6.) "my full name" why did I Google myself?
7.) "Ryan Gosling" oh! I remember - I watched 'The Ides of March' while Brian was in North Dakota. Made me think about politics, whatever happened to Cindy McCain, and what dirt there is on me on the internet
8.) "Monsanto evil" I think I got this off of a FB post and wanted to learn more about it
9.) "Carbs in vodka" clearly, I was thinking about cheating on my diet, which is funny since I almost never drink hard alcohol
and finally...
10.) "Blue poop" Scotty had recently had a very questionable bowel movement
What's on your Google List?