So, any plans this weekend?
What about me, you ask? Does it have to do with the goofy picture above? (and just so you know, I'm posting outtakes of that photo at the bottom of the column. Sadly, it took me fifteen minutes to get what I considered to be a semi-decent photo, and it still looks ridiculous, mainly because I have a headlight on, well, my head.)
Let's start off with a little story. Way back in early August, I found myself sitting on the couch with the Ipad and a glass of wine. It may have been a Friday night, I don't remember. Either way, the wine was excellent so I poured myself another glass. And then another. And with bum comfortably nestled into the couch and the wine coursing through my veins, I thought to myself, "Let's Google local races. I can run another half-marathon, right? In Red Rock Canyon? No problem. A thousand foot ascent in the first five miles? Bring it. At night? Sweet, I love the stars. Oh, an you have to wear a light on your head because it is pitch black? That sounds amazing." Click, click, click and done.
Moral of the story: drinking is dangerous.
So friends, tomorrow night when you are snug as a bug on your sofa, perhaps watching a movie and eating popcorn, please think of me as I hoof it through Red Rock. With my head light on (literally).