One year ago, while hugely pregnant and very sad to be on bedrest, The Bed Rest Book Club was born. I really owe all of the credit to my brother-in-law Jake who among other things, is very smart and handy with a computer. He liked that I was posting book reviews as my status on Facebook, and helped me find a website that would help me create my own site. So, thank you Jake!! You are the best brother-in-law a gal could ask for.
Since that inaugural post, I've had more than 37,000 hits. I'm averaging about 100-150 hits per day (very modest, I know, but I love all 100+ people that actually take time to check my blog). I've written over 250 entries and reviewed over 20 books. I've had one ghost writer (my dear sister Kelly). The most hits ever achieved -- 1000+ - the day after I announced Scotty had been re-hospitalized. (So, so happy we had a happy ending to that). Although this site has morphed into more of a mommy blog than a serious book review blog, I'm happy that I've written down a lot of my thoughts over the last year, since Motherhood has a strange way of wiping one's memory clean.
My favorite part of the blog? Aside from posting Scotty pictures, I love getting emails from people who read! And while I've known 99% of the people who have emailed me about the blog, it is always super fun and flattering to know someone is reading - and thinking - about what I'm saying.
So thank you so much! I plan to continue writing, at least for awhile. It's been proposed that I try to sell ads on the blog to earn some extra moola - and maybe I will - but for now, I'm happy with my little modest endeavor. Keep reading! I'm going to go pop some champagne. (haha, just joking. It's only 10:15 here).