"Who did you eat lunch with today?" I asked. It was my fourteenth question in an hour.
"Kate," he stated matter-of-factly. I think I had worn him down.
My eyebrows shot up. "Kate? Who's Kate?" Ooh, this was juicy.
"She's a nice girl," he stated with a shrug, and promptly went back to playing with his tow truck.
And that's all he had to say about that.
On Monday after pick-up, an adorable little girl noticed him from across the parking lot as he was climbing into his car seat. "Bye Scotty!" she yelled. We both looked over. "Bye SCOTTY!" she screamed, this time adding an overly-enthusiastic wave for effect. She was tiny, blond, clad in a plaid jumper and had ribbons in her hair. I liked her immediately. She continued at the top of her lungs: "BYE SCOTTY!"
I finally looked over at my non-plussed Bear. He had his head down. "Scotty, who is that little girl? Can you say 'bye' to her, please?" I asked quietly. He looked at me and shook his head. "Oh, Mom," he started. "That's just Carsen," and then turned his head in the other direction, as though he could not be bothered with this dribble any longer.
Well then.
And yesterday, we had a movie date with our friends Jessica and Grace. We plopped the kids in the photo booth after Nemo and encouraged them to make faces. This was the result:
Perhaps we have reached the "girls have cooties" stage? Or he is just so focused on identifying all of the vehicles on the street that he doesn't have time for a relationship right now? (those car transporters are not going to name themselves.)
And for all of these sweet little girls that are trying to get his attention...is it the eyes? Or the smile? Perhaps the irresistible draw of the squishy cheeks?