Well, those boring thoughts I requested on Thursday worked: everything went smashingly well at today's appointment. Thank you!!
BP: 106/69
Fluids: 19.75 (+3cm from last Thursday)
Heartrate: Between 133-159.
Baby's position: vertex (excellent!)
Uterine activity: none, except one, very small contraction
As you can see, the appointment couldn't have gone better. The only hiccup (aside from the baby's actual hiccups) was Baby B must have fallen asleep at one point, and the nurse came bustling in, buzzer in hand.
(When I told Brian about this after our last appointment, he kept saying over and over again, "They TASED our baby? They used a TASER on our baby?" I think my use of adjectives was a little excessive that day).
I managed to convince her to put the buzzer down, and instead, she just slapped my abdomen around with both hands, almost as though she was shaping a dough ball. Interesting technique. Do they really teach you this in nursing school? What is it called, the 'ball-of-dough-wake-up-the-baby' move? Smack, smack, smack. Anyways, it worked and the little guy woke up.
In other news, Brian and I are the latest fans of AMC's series 'Mad Men.' We finally started watching Season One last night. It's good...very good. I wish I could review it, but after Episode #3 (when he buys his daughter the dog), I looked at Brian and said, "I think this show is too smart for me." Seriously. I am 1.) constantly shocked at where the plot goes and 2.) don't know enough about the era to feel like an adequate commentator on it. But I would recommend it -- the show is remarkably well-done, well-written, and extremely disturbing. We are huge fans of 'Breaking Bad,' also an AMC show. Kudos to this network; clearly, they are hiring the right people and some darn smart writers.
Brian has a partner meeting tonight and left the house looking rather dapper in his blue suit, blue shirt, and the tie my parents bought him while in Ireland. As he was walking out the door, he looked at me, smiled, and said, "So, do you think it would be wrong if I broke out the single-malt scotch around 4:30 today, and smoked throughout the meeting?" Considering Brian hates smoking more than anything, I had to laugh. Don Draper did an excellent job influencing us as consumers. :-)
7/21/2009 10:10:29 am
Madmen is one of my FAVORITE shows!! There is sooo much social commentary and subtext (I'm making Adam watch it, so I am getting a chance to watch it again from the beginning) There are all kinds of blogs about the show if you're interested, one of the better ones is:
7/21/2009 10:14:23 am
7/21/2009 10:18:50 am
OMG...I am apparently retarded and can't post correctly on your blog (forgive the previous two posts!) ;)
Mariana Mesnik
7/23/2009 01:45:25 pm
Baby slapping? Does this constitute a CPS report? Did it leave a mark?
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Think of this as the epilogue to Bridget Jones' story. Well, mostly. Bridget marries the handsome lawyer, starts a blog while on bedrest, and decides marathon running sounds like fun. Bridget goes through a divorce but keeps running. Hilarity ensues. Archives
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