Had yet another appointment this morning, and those boring thoughts are definitely working. The appointment was so boring, in fact, that I fell asleep in the recliner during the monitoring part of the appt.
Some stats:
BP: 114/79
Fluids: 20 (+1cm from Monday)
Heartrate: between 133-160
Baby's position: head down
Uterine activity: practically nothing
While I go back on Monday, the next *big* appointment is a week from today. We'll see the doctor and he'll do a growth scan. I'm so curious to learn how big this child is; there is literally a lump in my abdomen where his little bum is. You can see it clearly. Even the nurse who did the ultrasound today said that he seems "very large" for his gestational age.
At the next growth u/s, I'll be 34w5d...according to standard growth charts, an average size baby would about 5lbs, 8oz to six pounds. At 30w4d, he was already 4lbs, 12 oz. Either Baby B was just going through a growth spurt when we saw him last, or he's just a very, very large baby. Should be interesting!