Nothing exciting happened - in fact, quite the opposite. It was a day like any other. He slept until 6:30am (ahhh! Heaven!). I jumped in the shower at 7:30, determined to get a leg up on his schedule. He woke up again at 10am and by that time, I had already made all of the beds, washed the bottles, pumped, checked email/Facebook, and called my parents. We played and read a new book - "The Big Red Barn" - very cute illustrations - and he fell asleep again. I pumped, ate lunch, and finished my "correspondence" (I feel like a true stay-at-home-mom since I now I have time set aside for "correspondence." Who am I, Martha Stewart?) Anyways, after that, we did a little photo shoot (see below), went to Starbucks and then to the grocery store. Gorgeous day to live in Vegas. And then we both took a nap. I drooled on him, he drooled on me. It was a perfect little mom-baby snuggle (though a bit messy).
I just love our little bear to bits. Yesterday, I was ready to put him in a cardboard box on our porch with a sign that read, "Free to a good home." Today, I love him with every ounce of my being.
Motherhood is funny like that. One day you are at your wits end; and then the next day, your heart is exploding with joy.
Such a roller coaster.