Yearly membership to Costco: $50
# of trips I've made to Costco since the maiden voyage: 4
# of friends I've gone with/seen there: 3
# of blocks of cheese I have bought in those four visits: 2
# of lbs of cheese that equates to: 4
# of samples I have tried: 5
# of samples Scotty has tried: 3
# of samples I didn't give to Scotty but he managed to wrestle out of my hands: 2
# of pork chops in a Costco pack: 10
# of dollars said pork chops cost: $11.99 (!!)
# of nights per week we will be eating pork chops: 5
# of minutes it took me to realize our current freezer just simply does not have enough storage space: 14
# of minutes it took to convince Brian that we needed a larger freezer: 38
# of minutes I spent analyzing freezers (upright, chest or mini?) in order to find the right one for us? 204
# of stores I dragged a teething baby to in order to find the chest freezer of my dreams: 3
# of times I called Brian to complain about the teething baby and lack of good chest freezers in this town: 4
# in percentile that the chest freezer of my dreams was discounted: 30
# in dollars of the cost of the chest freezer of my dreams: $388.80
# of times I hugged the Sears salesperson: 2
# of fist bumps Scotty gave the Sears person: 9*
(*he was incredibly patient...and helpful...I love Sears!)
# of minutes it took to herd Scotty out of Sears since he was on foot and not in the stroller: approximately 25
# in dollars I paid for a new label maker so I could accurately label my pork chops, lest we eat a newer chop before an older one (egads!): $29.99
# of times I've mentioned to Brian how insanely excited I am about the new freezer and my accurately-labeled pork chops: 3
# of times Brian sighed when I told him the above statement: 3
# of times Brian has asked, "Is this whole Costco thing really saving us money?": 4
# of times I've totally blown off Brian's question, since this Costco thing has awaken an organizational, grocery-shopping side of me that I never knew existed: 4
Ahh, Costco. I love you! And my freezer is set to be delivered in t-minus 45 minutes! Wa-hoo!