Anyways, I woke up this past Tuesday feeling super antsy. I knew I needed to do something to occupy my mind, which is what lead to today...Cupcake Day.
The background is that last October, my sister sent Brian the most amazing cupcakes for his birthday. They were from this fancy-schmancy bakery in San Fransicso and were as asthetically pleasing as they were delicious (see picture). I think Brian ate one and I ate 12. They were just seriously heaven. I've been thinking a lot about those cupcakes in recent weeks (early on, my doctor asked me if I had experienced any cravings and I replied, "Yes. High-fructose corn syrup." He didn't even laugh). So randomly, on Tuesday, I decided to order some for myself.
The entertainment value came as I was filling out the shipping information. I felt kind of silly ordering a gift for myself, but then the website asked what occasion this was for. I tentatively selected "Baby." Then it asked me to type a message to the recipient. Again, this is where the boredom really hits home. Giggling the whole time, I typed, "Congrats on 34 weeks! You can do it. From, Me."
I recognize this is probably not even funny to most people, but it's made me laugh all week. When I told Brian what I did, he just shook his head. When I told him I addressed the card to myself, he looked slightly fearful. But whatever. My cupcakes were delivered today and they are WONDERFUL!!! Happy Cupcake Day. :-)