It's hard to check Facebook.
My favorite app, the "CNN Breaking News" app, is very close to getting clipped.
I went for a run yesterday with a friend and that did wonders to clear my head. However, like the rest of this country, I'm still consumed with the events from last Friday. I know dwelling on the sadness and heartbreak is unhealthy and unproductive, which is why a post from NBC's Ann Curry caught my eye:
Imagine if we all committed 20 acts of kindness to honor the lost children of Newtown..(or 26 acts, including the heroic teachers.) I'm in. A growing number on Twitter are in. #20Acts #26Acts What do you think FB friends? If yes, share!
I thought about it for a few seconds. Then shared it.
I got out my stationary and immediately wrote Scotty's teacher and his two aides a thank you note. I tucked it in his folder so they would be sure to get it. It read:
Thank you for everything you do!! Thank you for keeping our little
Bear safe. You guys are the real heroes.
Awkward as I felt writing that, it felt good to put it on paper. I shoved it in his bag before I could change my mind.
One down, twenty-five to go.
Then I paid for the car behind me at Starbucks. Again, awkward. I zoomed away quickly. But I felt good.
Two down.
I let the gentleman behind me at Whole Foods cut in line. I could tell he was in a big hurry. He thanked me and said, "Oh good, I didn't have a chance to eat breakfast." Perhaps I prevented someone from a bout of hypoglycemia? I'll never know.
Then I donated $5 to purchase shampoo for the homeless. They will soon be smelling of strawberries and guava.
And the in my most daring act of random kindness, I scrawled a quick note, tucked a $10 bill inside, and stuck it in the window of a car in the parking lot. I was seriously wigged out someone would approach to find me messing with their car, but thankfully, nothing of that sort happened. The note read:
The only way to combat evil is with goodness. This note is in memory of the victims of Sandy Hook Elementary. I hope this makes your
day. Please pay it forward.
And then I ran out of the parking lot.
Five done. Twenty-one acts left.
Anyone else want to join me?