I took his temperature. Nope, no temp.
I looked in his ears. Aside from a little wax, they looked fine. Nothing crammed in there.
He was acting normally (aside from the ear tugging), playing normally, and his disposition was fine. (still our sunny little bear). He was sleeping fine, poop looked good. You know how it goes - I ran the full diagnostic and everything came back normal.
Until this morning when I went to answer the phone (the good people at GE Money continue to harass me; I paid my Banana Republic card off last month and changed our billing address. Leave me alone!) and I noticed Scotty immediately put his hand to his ear.
Just like Momma when she talks on the phone.
He doesn't have an ear infection...the kid is mimicking me. I probably spend so much time either on the phone or with a phone to my ear that this behavior was an easy one to replicate.
The best part though? He grins ear to ear when he does it. Do I smile when I'm on the phone? I guess so...I never really thought about it.
Such a funny kid. And aside from mimicking behaviors, he calls me "Momb" (no 'mama'...just a very curt 'momb'), calls Brian 'dada!' (he's soooo excited to Brian so there are exclamation points anytime dada! is involved) and says 'Dog,' even though it sounds more like 'doug.' We read his 'doug' book multiple times a day, and he'll point to the TV and say 'doug' whenever a dog in on the screen. I like to think of him as a small, baby genius, but then he does random stuff like chew on the baby gates or lick the floors, which convinces me otherwise.
At least its not an ear infection. I'm hoping we can make it until the 18th to see Dr. Awesome (for his one year check-up) and not sooner.