But for those of you who have loved a series or set of characters, it's hard to say good-bye. And with LOST, tonight was that time.
I also want to preface this blog entry with the news that we FINALLY HAVE A TOOTH. Yes, a real, honest-to-goodness tooth that does not appear to be receding anytime soon.
The tooth came as a shock to me when I stuck my hand in Scotty's mouth (as a mother, I feel as though it is my right to do this.) Brian and I were busy unpacking boxes at the new house when Scotty started howling. I walked over, popped a puff in his mouth and ouch! Something poked back at me. It's sharp! The little white speck is on the bottom right. In the immortal words of Jenna, mom to Rowan, "I'm not sure I would have put it there." My thoughts exactly. It looked a little...crooked.
And how did I react when I felt the little too-fer? Burst into tears. (I know, I know). And then promptly exclaimed to Brian, "He's going to get married next!" Brian burst into laughter while I hugged the Bear protectively (and whispered, "No woman will ever be good enough for you. Except maybe baby Sam.") and I tried to reassure myself that there are many, many steps between teething and marriage. But still...they grow up so fast.
And then that event was capped off by the ending of one of my favorite series of all time, LOST. I can only liken this (extremely dorky) feeling to how I felt when the last Harry Potter book came out; I was dying to know how it ended, but so hesitant to say good-bye to characters I had come to know and love.
And I really thought the finale did not disappoint. About halfway through, I told Brian, "I really want to live in sideways world! I love it there!" Which is a good thing, considering ::SPOILER ALERT:: it's Jack idea of heaven. That's how I took it at least - the whole series was from Jack's point of view (eye opening, Vincent, bamboo, etc) and it came full circle at the end. And I liked what Christian Shepard said too - some of the people in the church/religious building (thank you Carlton and Damon for making that place as about PC as it gets with every single religion represented) died before, and some will not die for a long time. This is Jack's version of heaven (similar to the idea in 'The Lovely Bones' - heaven is a very personal place). Who knew he loved Kate so much? And Sawyer and Juliet??? Ooooh! They were my favorite. (I loved them back when they still lived in Dharmaville circe 1977.)
And it was nice the finale was a little campy, too. Some of the one-liners were classic (though none of coming to mind right this second). The whole show was a little campy, and it really bordered on trying to not take itself too seriously while introducing characters like the smoke monster, Richard Alpert, and Benjamin Linus. And how great was it that Ben got a little redemption in the end? He wasn't in Jack's heaven; probably because Jack didn't know that he was seeking redemption via Hurley. Oh, and Sayid and Shannon! It was like seeing old friends again. And Jin and Sun giggling at the sight of Sawyer the cop...ahh, good stuff.
Okay, I am just solidifying my geekiness. Anyways, I'll try to write more tomorrow, but it will also be likely about LOST. Just know this -- I feel like I have a personal connection with the show. It debuted 8 days after Brian and I got engaged. Michael shot Ana Lucia and Libby the week before our wedding (causing me to drop a pot in the kitchen from sheer surprise). We visited the set on our honeymoon (or tried to). The only thing I could focus on during Season 5 was, "How the hell did Claire feed Aaron after he was born?" (this was, obviously, after Scotty was born. I could only fixate on her lack of a breast pump, making me worry that Aaron might have had hyperbilirubin.) And now, watching the finale with boxes literally on both sides of our TV...well, it feels right. We're saying good-bye to this house and the show, and ready to say hello to something new. So yeah', that's one of many reasons I really have loved this show. It has been a nice pair of bookends to many major moments in my life.
Off to bed. Actually, off to scrub the dishes from dinner. We had taco night tonight as an ode to our LOST viewing. Taco night used to be on Wednesdays (the original LOST night) but decided to change things up and have it on Sunday instead. And to think I wasn't a risk taker! :-)