I feel as though this fog of anxiety has been lifted from me. The longer this pregnancy lasts, the happier and more excited I get. Yes, I'm concerned about delivery, but it's hard to wipe the smile off of my face these days. The end is definitely in sight and I can almost taste it. I'm excited, I'm thankful, and I'm so, so, so happy that this child is almost full-term. I really never thought I would make it to 36w2d, so every day after this feels like a true blessing.
I know that sounds pretty cheesy (sorry, I'm losing my sarcastic edge). I think it all just depends on expectations, though. When you expect to go the full 40 weeks, the last few weeks have got to just drag. But when you are told that you might have a micro-preemie at 26w, everything after 36 is gravy. Really delicious gravy. And I'm savoring all of it.
Who knows when Baby B will get here...I'm starting to think maybe next week, though Brian is convinced that he's coming later this week. And he might surprise both of us and arrive much later in the month. Who knows? All I care about it that this kid is moving fairly regularly (though it takes a while to feel him in his swimming pool) and my appointments continue to go well. My headaches are gone and I *should* be off the medication (and bed rest!) in the next 48 hours. I feel as though I've been given a "summer vacation" for the first time in a long time, too. I've had a chance to read some really great books, hang out with friends, and bake to my heart's content. I feel like I'm 17 again (minus the whole pregnancy thing).
On today's schedule, I am planning to go to fetal monitoring at 10:30, read a book on infant massage, and then perhaps make muffins. Sounds like a pretty awesome day to me. :-)