Remember when he was three months old and I was talking about shopping at my fictional, though ideal, Husky Baby store? I really think this might be the next great idea. Scotty's chubby little belly and fat thighs are not the exception, and I bet there are tons of parents out there buying 2 and 3T sized clothing for their 15 month olds. When you have a child who's head circumference expands over 20 inches (Cousin Ben, I am also looking at you), shopping for clothing with the right cut and fit is tough. Really tough.
Our biggest issue? Pajamas. I've read the books (and the tags on the clothing) to know that jammies are supposed to fit "snugly" as to avoid any kind of bunching up during sleep. The bed clothes Scotty has been wearing lately certainly fit those requirements. However, it is downright laughable to see his little belly protruding from under his shirt, or to pants clinging to his legs like pantyhose. I know they mean snug as in "close", not "squeezed sausage in a too-small casing." And we can't even get the darn tops over his gigantic melon of a head. The fit for both tops and bottoms were so bad I considered snipping both the arm openings and the neck opening just to give my boy some breathing room, but then I worried if the cuts would fray and he would actually be able to wiggle himself out of his pajamas during the night. So for the last few weeks, we reverted to putting him in regular, soft shirts with comfy pants so the kid could get a good night's sleep.
Alas...what is a husky baby to do? Wear regular clothes to sleep in since society is not ready for your insane chubbiness?
But then on Monday at Target, I ran across a few items that I can only think of as "Fat Boy Jammies." They are a 2T, so yes, they are long in the leg, but they have wider openings and a looser fit in the trinity of baby proportions: the all-important arms, legs and head openings. It's like someone in some Target manufacturing plant said, "Hey! I bet not all babies are lithe, svelte creatures. I bet some of them are chubby and like to eat cheese! Let's make some pajamas for the Every Baby! The American Baby! The...(dramatic pause)...Husky Baby!"
And Fat Boy Jammies were born.
Thank goodness.
I'm pretty happy with this discovery. And while we still have to roll the pants (since our little tyke is less than 32 inches, but practically 32 inches around), at least he can breathe a little easier at night. Even better, instead of wrestling Scotty into his pjs like a greased-up pig, we are able to glide his little porky body parts into his Fat Boy Jammies like butter. (mmm, butter.) He looks happier, less confined, and we shaved a solid 6 minutes off the bedtime routine. And best of all, he's actually wearing pajamas, not regular shirt and pants, officially making us not white trash.
(at least for now).
Hooray for Fat Boy Jammies!