I must be getting soft in my old age.
But not too soft. In a total out-of-character moment for me yesterday, I contacted a local blogger who writes about breastfeeding. I had been sent the link by the LC that saw Scotty during the first week of his life. (Inexplicably, I am still on the email list serve.) Reading over the blog just brought back all those bad feelings that I had during Scotty's first few weeks of life, and I sent the blogger an email saying (essentially), "Don't knock formula; it saved my kid's life."
Well, she wrote back to me and asked if I would share my story on her site. And I am. I'm going to try to have it finished by this weekend, and I'll be sure to post the link here. If there is one thing I am passionate about (aside from appropriate treatment by in-laws), it's jaundice. I want every person in the world to know the dangers of jaundice, if it goes untreated, and if I could prevent anyone else from having to go through what we went through, I will. The written word is a powerful tool, so I'm using it. And hopefully, it will make a difference.