Yes, I recognize I am probably irrationally taking out my frustration about this pregnancy on my ob/gyn. I'm trying to figure out why I'm so mad, and I think it's b/c I just wish both docs would get on the same page. Who knows - maybe George is right and I will go to term. Or maybe Dick will be right and I'll have a baby this weekend. I just wish both would stop telling me conflicting info since it is making me crazy.
And yes, I'm being nicer to Dick to because quite frankly, I like him better. He fits better with my personal philosophy. I'm a worst-case-scenario type of gal, and like to err on the side of caution. I think Dick does this as well. There is a casualness that George presents with that just rubs me the wrong way. As Brian said we walked out of the appointment, "We could experience an earthquake during your delivery and George would look around and say, 'I don't see what the big deal is.'" He's a calm guy, but not in a reassuring way.
I can't help but feel this whole situation relates to the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. (yes, we just finished the last of season 2 of Mad Men. This show really sticks with you, huh?). I mean, on one hand, I feel panicked that this might be it. But then again, I don't know, so do I just go on living my life (and staying in "Manhattan") when the rest of the US is evacuating? I like to be prepared. I don't like to be surprised. At least our "bomb shelter" (aka the nursery) is done.
Maybe I need to stop thinking so much about the personalities of my doctors and just focus on being a good incubator. After all, that's the only thing that matters. That and well, breathing.