It's so funny to think that a year ago I would have never been interested in this kind of outing, especially on a Friday night. I've never been a huge chocolate fan, Christmas before Thanksgiving was just wrong in my book, and there is no way in hell I could have dragged Brian with me to a cacti garden. But now, with the little Bear in tow, we are both insanely excited. I can't wait to see Scotty's face when he sees all of the Christmas lights - it should be magical. And a good photo op! (c'mon, battery charger...) Brian is equally excited and we are both hoping the little Bear behaves himself. We'll do anything to see him smile.
In other news, it seems like it is raining babies these days. Several college friends recently had kids this week (big congrats to Sarah and Little K!), so I've been glued to Facebook for updates. I know most sororities get a bad rap, but I really loved my experience. I also love how we've all re-connected via Facebook. Despite the over 10 year gap between living in the house and now, it's like no time has passed.
I also love how everyone from the house comments on each other's posts. There is no need for formalities -- it's just as conversational as if we were standing in line for dinner or walking to class together. But instead of trying to figure out why Charlene put bacon on the salad or sneaking out of dinner to watch 'The Simpsons' in the rec room, we're talking about labor, delivery, and breastfeeding. I still think of people as "the Seniors" and "the Sophomores" (which I guess makes me a Junior). Brian, of course, thinks I'm absolutely crazy but he just doesn't get it. He thinks all I did in college was host Rush parties and paint banners. He's only 50% correct. (and for the record, I graduated in four years with a double major AND I managed to study overseas. So there.)
With the recent boom of baby Gams, I would LOVE to host a reunion of everyone (not just my pledge class) and catch up with everyone. Kind of a pipe dream (especially as these babies keep coming! Do we all have fantastic husbands that would watch the kids while their wives left for the weekend? Is that too much to expect?) but it's fun to think about. So ladies, let me know what you think .Maybe Vegas in 2010? 2011? Don't make me start singing...('A and an L and a PHA...G and an A and an MMA...") Several of us tried to get together earlier this year in Chicago but bed rest had me grounded and I had to cancel the whole trip. Such a bummer.
Aside from missing my days at 1409 N. Main, everything else has been darn near copacetic. Scotty is over his fussiness (I had a three-day fear that maybe we started teething...eeeeeeek) from earlier this week and is back to napping like a champ. He is just so silly. He literally wakes up smiling. I peer into his crib in the morning and am greeted with this happy, sunny baby. How did we get so lucky? He is also coo-ing and goo-ing like a champ, which makes me think we're going to have a talker on our hands one day. As my mom once told me, "You can't wait for the day that they start talking...and then you realize that they never shut up." Hahaha. Sorry, Mom.
Contrary to popular belief, I will not be going to see the new 'Twilight' movie this weekend. I have a fairly substantial fear of tweens. Not to mention, it looks downright terrible. Let's be honest here folks; Stephanie Meyer isn't exactly Shakespear. But the books were a good read (I devoured all four in about three days) and I just can't believe what a part of pop culture they have become. I caught an interview with the cast members on some obscure DirectTV channel and had a hard time keeping a straight face. The interviewer was acting as if Rob P and Kristen S were master thespians and the material they were working from was groundbreaking. "Tell me Kristen, as you were in the scene when Edward leaves, what emotion did you draw from in order to make it so realistic?" Um.....yeah. She had a hard time keeping a straight face, too. The two look like they mope throughout the whole movie and critics have confirmed the whole move is pretty emo. But Edward Cullen (the idea of him, not Rob P) is one of the most memorable fictional characters of recent years, in my opinion, and yes, I will probably cough up $7.75 at some point to see the film. Matinee-worthy, however. Definitely not Friday-night-worthy.
That's about it here. I'm off to clean out our sock drawer (I'm so not kidding...really, the fun never stops here.) I hope everyone has a great weekend!