I really don't have a lot to say - and not a lot of time, either. (It's my bedtime). Just for an update, here's what is new:
Scotty became a nap-striker this week. That lasted two days. He refused to go down for his afternoon nap. I knew he was exhausted and overtired, but the little stinker fussed/woke up every time I put him down. Finally, I let him fuss for three minutes, left the room, and viola! Sleepy baby. On Wednesday he took a three hour nap and Thursday, he took a record long four hour nap.
I'd like to say that I'm just being so productive during his nap time, but I'm not. I fret so much that he's sleeping too long that yesterday I broke out the vino to deal with my nap-anxiety. I called both Courtney (Betty) and my mom for advice. Court said wake him up, my mom said let him sleep. Luckily for me, Scotty woke up halfway through my conversation wtih my mom so I didn't have to make the call. And today -- no problems with the nap. He was a sleepy little guy and we had a very quiet day.
Also, he is refusing the swaddle. The blankets are too small, he is too big, and his little baby muscles just break our tight swaddle within an hour. The sleep sacks we received are now too small for him, so I sent Brian out to get some 'Swaddle Me's' last night. This is the equivalent of a baby straight jacket. And Scotty broke out of that, too.
Finally, after spending the night wrestling with him (as he wrestles with his swaddle), I gave up. And then while talking to Liz today (mom to Wes, the baby who does not sleep), she had this break-through comment: "Kim, maybe he's too old to be swaddled. Let his arms be free." Oh. I hadn't considered that. So tonight is the test.
And yes, earlier you read that correctly - I'm adding more things to my diet. So far, so good. We have successfully added eggs, wheat, tomatoes, decaf coffee, soy milk, and wine. Blessed, thankful wine. I needed that glass last night after the four hour nap (actually, during) and so far, no ill effects from the baby.
So all is great in baby-land. I'm off to a baby shower tomorrow (sans the baby) and maybe - maybe - will even get a pedicure on Sunday. My toes are in sad shape.
Also, in non-baby news, can I just say...how awesome was Jim and Pam's wedding? II enjoyed it the first time this morning with my cup of hot decaf coffee and soy milk. A perfect way to spend a quiet Friday morning. I've now watched the episode three times and I am still crying. I struggle with wedding-related stuff as it is (and if you dont' know why, don't ask), and their wedding was just so perfect in its most unperfect way. I loved all of the guest drama (esp Meridith saying that she was going to text Pam for directions on the day of the wedding - that was in the last episode.) It was good for me to see (in a fictional manner) that weddings often become about OTHER people, than the bride and groom, and life still goes on. Yes, it's been three and a half years but I am still angry. I'm working on it, though. I'm really not sure if I'll ever be over it, but at least it gets better with time.
Okay, that's all for tonight. I hope everyone has a great weekend! Weather here in Vegas has been spot-on. Hooray for cooler temps!