I am five books into the week. I love my iPad and the ease in which I can purchase new books. Literally, it takes 3 seconds. I'm not sure Brian contemplated this aspect of the iPad when he bought it for me, but per our friend Uncle Jim, we are slowly going bankrupt, $12.99 at a time. I can read, check Facebook, and my email all without ever getting off the couch. If only it would text, it would be perfect. (Steve Jobs, are you reading this?)
Brian and I have taken to calling Scotty "FrankenBear" since his walk is more of a lurch. He balls up his arms to his sides when he lurches, and I swear, all he needs are the bolts on the side of his neck and some green paint and he would look exactly like the monster from 'Frankenstein' (a miniature version, at least). (and for all you aspiring English scholars out there, the monster was never actually Frankenstein; that was the name of the doctor who created him. The monster was always just referred to as 'the monster' in the book. See? You just learned something.)
I had to endure yet another session of Paid Humiliation on Thursday afternoon. I'm not sure if it was because the horror of Music Lesson Tuesday was still fresh in my mind, but swimming lessons weren't so bad this time. I was back in the one-piece black suit and managed to secure the boobs prior to the lesson, so that gave me a bit of confidence. Only one Bikini Babe was there, and the other two women were really nice and normal. And -- this is very exciting -- Scotty is actually getting better! Brian and I were debating why we put in him lessons so early, since I'm not sure he even comprehends directions at this point, but seeing actual improvement was very, very exciting. We're not up to laps just yet, but the little Bear managed to kick one leg when I dunked him, and he immediately went into floating position when it was time for that in the class. Progress! Out of the four kids in the class, he was probably second best. Not bad. I mean, one kid was only seven months (and howled the whole time), and the other kid and his mother didn't speak English, but we'll take what we can get.
The weather here continues to hover in the mid-90s, though I'm wearing jeans and drinking hot drinks from Starbucks. Summer, be damned. I am ready for fall. I am getting really anxious to buy some pumpkins and purchase Scotty's Halloween costume (currently, still a secret...). And I am SO ready to not feel like I'm baking every time I go outside, even if it's just for a few minutes. Autumn, where are you?
Well, other than that, things are pretty quiet around here. We have a nice weekend planned. The Packers play on Monday night, which means Brian will be home early. Do I have to dress Scotty in his Packer jersery all day? I don't know the rules on this one. And, the other day, Brian mentioned to me it would "nice" if I "ever wanted to wear [my] Aaron Rodgers' jersey" during a game, as a sign of support. Sigh. It really is football season, isn't it? Brian takes zero interest in my wardrobe until the Packers hit the field.
Some pictures of Scotty lurching around the park this week: