There is so much I want to say right now - I have been blogging mentally in my head for the last 60+ hours, even during the pushing phase of labor- but am in that official 'mom' phase where I don't have a moment of free time and my brain is so soaked in prolactin that nothing is making much sense. I have a little 8lb, 6oz bundle of perfection that has captivated all of my attention and quite rightly so. He's so freaking awesome I can't even describe it. Considering how stressful the pregnancy was, the delivery was nothing short of amazing, all the way up to little Baby B (now aptly named "Scotty") entering the world.
I'll try to give you the basic details since Brian and I have yet to call/talk to many people - sorry, we're just trying to find our footing here in the new world of parenthood. We probably won't be easy to touch base with for the next several days, and I'm sure you all understand. Thank you for all of the wonderful text messages, Facebook comments, emails, and phone calls! We feel so loved right now.
Anyways, here's the short version: went to my appt. with Dick on Monday as scheduled. WIthout going into vivid details, as Kelly's update post mentioned, "interesting" things were happening. It involved lots of bodily functions and something the size of a small body organ falling out of me while in the hallway of the doctor's office. Seriously. This thing (technically a blood clot, per the nurse) fell out, bounced off my foot, and landed on the hardwood floor. It was the size of my fist. I thought I was going to pass out, but the nurse was quick to calm me down and send me to the hospital. I don't think I'll be wearing those flip-flops again.
Both docs decided this pregnancy was getting dangerous, and I had the hoice of a c-section that day or trying to go natural (with induction). Per Kelly's posts, I rolled the dice and opted for natural (with an epi). By 8pm Monday night, I learned that LABOR SUCKS and women who go med-free really do need a ticker tape parade or at the very least, a national holiday. The epidural was given by a nice man with a lovely New Zealand accent and I'm fairly sure I proposed to him on the spot. Mmm, pain meds.
And then at 12:30am, the damn thing wore off. Ironically, at 1am, I was 10 cm and ready to push. Holy heavens to betsy. It took about an hour of pushing, and one comment from George to bring Scotty into this world: "One more push, Kim, and you won't be pregnant anymore." Oh, that was ALL he needed to say. That was the push that brought our little man into the world along with about 27 gallons of fluid (all of which that ended up on George.)
We were discharged earlier today after less than 48 hours in the hospital. I feel great - and happily deflated. Scotty is more amazing and beautiful than I ever imagined. Watching he and Brian cuddle seriously makes happy charges explode in my brain. Breastfeeding is off to a fantastic start.
I think I'm still delirious from pain meds and adrenaline, but I hope this feeling never ever wears off. My little monkey is calling right now - time for another feeding - but thanks again for reading! I hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I've enjoyed writing. I've gotten a lot of questions as to whether I will continue to write after bed rest is over, and the answer is a definite yes.
Oh and quickly - Scotty's cousin Ben came into the world 6 hours after Scotty did, weighing in at 7lbs, 10oz. Kelly is a super star for blogging for me just hours before her big day. They've had some complications up in MN, but at last check, things were on track and Ben is doing great. Keep sending those prayers up there!