I alternate between feelings of excitement, terror, extreme anticipation -- and the occasional need to vomit.
I've never really trained for anything like this before. Aside from the wedding and Scotty's birth, I don't think I've been this anxious for an event to get under way.
Since August, I've been diligently logging my miles. And through the patient instruction of our coaches, I've learned how to tie my shoes the right way, wear the right clothing, run more than three miles at a time, and hydrate, eat, and Gu appropriately. For a sport that appears to require nothing more than a pair of legs, running is far more complicated that I expected.
So far, the longest I've run is 12 miles. I did that at night in just over two hours -- a totally different feat than running in the morning, let me emphasize. Back in October and early November, I was logging up to 29 miles a week. I conquered the hills at Red Rock twice. I did a few 4:45am runs with friends, and the followed it up with a 60 minute boot camp session. Considering the last three months, my three mile run this morning was a breeze. I chatted with a friend through the whole thing and we did it in just over 33 minutes.
I literally cannot believe the changes in my body in just three short months. I feel strong. I feel capable. I feel good.
And right now, I am excited. I am nervous.
And I am ready.
Bring it.
The Las Vegas Rock 'n' Roll Half-marathon kicks off on Sunday, December 4th at 5:30pm. I'm happy to report that with five days left, I've lost zero toenails, have not pooped outside, and have not pooped in my pants. Based on those three points alone, I'm declaring this race an early success