Until Brian got attacked by goats at the petting zoo.
Scotty thought it was a riot, too. (We're such a considerate family).
To add insult to injury, as we were checking out, I told the woman to throw in a bale of hay. I envisioned this grand harvest display on our front porch, and since the hay was only $10, why not? I might as well buy some dried corn, too. Harvest it up, folks!
I don't know if you know this, but bales of hay are HEAVY. It's not like in the movies where they show farmhands just tossing bales around. No, these suckers weigh close to 75-100 pounds each. Way too heavy for me to lift, and very heavy for Brian. I, however, did not know this little fact, and it wasn't until I turned around and found Brian struggling with three big pumpkins, one insanely thick bale of hay, and the Bear, did I stop and help the poor guy out.
He smelled like goat poop, but I didn't hold that against him.
He wasn't real happy with me (I won't tell you what he called the bale of hay, but it was fairly profane and descriptive). So we stopped at McDonalds and I got him a McRib sandwich and life was good again.
Don't you just love the holidays? Yay....