Last night I woke up in the middle of the night with a new fear - what if he gets out? What if Scotty escapes the friendly confines of his school and starts wandering around? Say he makes it across the very large, very busy street directly outside the school: then what? With this new "unclear" speech issue Dr. Awesome planted in my brain yesterday, our little Bear will not be able to communicate with the outside world. How would anyone ever know he is ours? He doesn't know how to get home. He doesn't know his last name. He thinks Dada works at the pig farm and Mommy lives at Junior League. He probably won't say much other than "Dammit, Jesus!" and demand more trucks.
And besides, when asked his name and age, he usually replied with a very clear, "Henry. I'm six."
Can you microchip a kid? Seriously?