Running really is like child birth. After the disaster that was Dec 4, I moaned, complained, and limped around for a while. And then, after licking my psychic wounds for a few weeks, time took on this magical quality and my memory of the event slowly altered. With a few good re-tellings of the tale, the abomination became anectdotal; after all, how many people can claim they almost pooped on the Strip in a crowd of 44,000?
(If you are curious about our plans to expand our family, please know that labor and delivery was the best part of my pregnancy experience, ironically enough. After twelve long weeks of bed rest, seven trips to the hospital, and then the subsequent horror that was CatheterGate, I'll take L&D any day over those winners. So, yeah, no plans right now for a sibling for the Bear; he may flying solo for a long, long time to come. Sixteen days with a catheter would make anyone gun-shy.)
Okay, enough about pooping and child birth. Back to the topic at hand...
...I'm happy to report I've signed up for the Summerlin 1/2 Marathon that kicks off on April 14!
It's a much smaller race than the Rock-n-Roll one, and to the best of my knowledge, it not at night. (thank goodness!) I am not anticipating running next to a million Elvises, people wrapped in Christmas lights, or naked people, but it's Vegas so you never know. And I'm starting to learn that people who run in these races have a very quirky sense of humor. Like, running in tutus is fun. Huh?
What's even cooler than jumping on the marathon-train again is the amazing amount of interest this has generated. I posted it on my FB page, and within a day, several people confirmed they would also like to run, and there's a whole long list of "maybe's" (DEANA! NATALIE! JEN WHIIIIIIIITE!) I am thrilled and excited to see so many people taking an interest in it, and most of all, I want to encourage any of them reading this now to consider writing for the blog. I'd love to hear about your experiences as you start to train, and what things deep inside come to the surface (and I'm not talking about digestive issues). Running is so much more than putting one foot in front of the other; it's one part therapy, one part endurance, and a whole lot of mental toughness. It's quite a ride, from beginning to end, and I'm excited to see what the next few months bring.
And speaking of childbirth, after waxing poetic about the marathon for the entire month of December, I spent far too much time behind the computer than outside or on the treadmill. I finally jumped back on this past Sunday to do four miles and OW! Talking about running is a lot easier than actually doing it. The soreness in my legs and lower back was a friendly reminder to make sure I put my money where my mouth is, and be consistent. Needless to say, I've already dusted off my training guide from last fall and am ready to get started. Again.
The Summerlin 1/2 Marathon is 98 days away, and I'm starting this second round of training in good spirits will all ten toenails still in tact. Let's hope both continue until April 14th!