# of weeks into ultra training: 3
# of weeks left: 9
# of miles ran last week: 36
# in miles of the longest run to date: 16
Average temperature in Las Vegas in June: 100
What 100 degrees feels like when you are running: 212
# of minutes spent selecting a hydration pack at REI: 32
# of ounces my new hydration pack holds: 50
# of ounces of water I consumed at Red Rock on Saturday: 50
# of ounces Kat drank during her 18-mile run at Red Rock: 6
(proving to me that she is, indeed, part cheetah, part camel)
# of minutes it took me to get to the Overlook Ascent (about 7.75 miles into the run. Mostly uphill): 1:21:36
Slowest mile (so slow, in fact, I wasn't sure I was moving): 12:13
# of minutes spent enjoying the view once I arrived: 3
# of cyclists I yelled encouraging things to as they pushed uphill while I ran down: 2
# of smiles I got: 2
Fastest mile going down: 7:19
# of cyclists who pushed me off the road once the sweet downhill ended and I found myself on the long, slow trek back to my car on Hwy 159: 4
# of dirty looks given: 4
# of cyclists out that morning: approximately 4,357
# of calories burned on that 16 mile run: 1866
# of calories consumed during the rest of Saturday: approximately 300
# of times I felt hungry on Saturday: 0
# of hours slept on Saturday night, only to be woken by post-long-run-ravenous hunger (I.e. my body is no longer in fight-or-flight mode and suddenly realizes the stomach is empty and very ANGRY!): 4
# of calories consumed on Sunday: approximately 12,000
# of meals eaten on Sunday: 5, including a 9pm snack (toast with jam)
# of times I told Brian, "I am SO HUNGRY!": 4
# of times he offered to make me food, only to have me barrel past him and fling open the refrigerator door like a crazy grizzly bear: 4
# of times in the past three weeks people have asked me "What's an ULTRA-marathon?": 43
# of times I've answered and they have responded with "You are CRAZY!": 41 (the other two were too polite to comment)
# of times I've smiled when they said that: 41
The ET Ultra Marathon is 68 days away. I have no idea if I'll be ready by then or even why I'm doing it. But in the meantime, I'll keep logging my miles and wishing there was more shade in Vegas.