Holiday cards?
Heck yeah.
Yup. Check that off the list, too.
Organized and ready to go.
Actually, no. It was fantastic. I ran the Turkey Trot in my best time to date (27:57) and having Uncle Jay with us was beyond fun. I skipped Black Friday shopping because the allure of Jay making homemade pumpkin pancakes was too great to resist.
I am most pleased that all of this prep work has allowed us the chance to sit back and just enjoy the holiday season. That was my main goal all along. This time of year is so fun, and with young kids, it becomes downright magical. I want to really be able to soak up the warmth and experience the joy of the season without frantically jumping from one to-do list to another. I'm happy to report, I think we may have **mostly** succeeded. Fingers crossed!
What about you? How are your holidays plans coming along?
Happy negative December 2nd, everyone!