I haven't been reading much since I've been busy with visitors, doctor's appointments, and getting ready for Baby. Lots and lots of baby stuff...
I felt a twinge of fear when Jen went into labor last week, but that turned into full-on panic when Amie delivered less than 48 hours later. Both were 4 weeks early with no prior complications. I will admit, this whole 'water breaking' without contractions (and really no other warning signs) tripped me out. Every night since, I have gone to bed and asked a higher power to give me at least one more day of pregnancy.
And with that, we are in complete baby mode here in the house. My to-do list is getting shorter and shorter. The nursery is almost done -- will post pics when it is completed. I really love our lime-white-navy theme with turtles. (Subtle turtle, though...none of this in-your-face-turtle decor). Brian and I had the car seats installed yesterday by a non-profit group, Safe Kids. Both men (boys?) who installed the seats looked no older than 22 and I would wager they are currently childless. Nonetheless, it didn't stop them from lecturing us about using rear-facing mirrors and other objects ("Ma'am, that small, stuffed koala will become a flying projectile object in the event of a crash") that are are on the 'banned baby car seat' list. Sigh.
And probably most exciting, we had our maternity photo shoot this afternoon. I know, I know, I caved. I swore I would never do this; the beauty of black and white pictures of a bare, pregnant belly are lost on me, but then I found this photographer online, and she seems really cool and then I called her and she was cool...and...well, I think we know where this is going. Before Brian could blink, I had us booked for a session, complete with scarves, flowers, and baby booties. If the photos turn out well, I'd be happy to post a link. If they don't, well, don't ever expect me to ever talk about this again. :-)
But as far as the session goes...it was so fun! Considering I applied makeup and actually did something with my hair, today was a big day. I didn't fret about what I was going to wear (only 2 pairs of pants still fit), and there was no need to worry about sucking in my stomach. I had fun channeling my inner Tyra (fierce!) and Heidi, but really went over the happiness ledge when she pulled out a fan. A fan! I believe the word she used was "ethereal." Hahaha. Oh, the vanity of it all. :-) It was nice to feel mildly attractive again. And when she asked me to 'pop out my hip,' well...there was popping going on. ("Give me passion!")
We celebrated the shoot by doing what Naomi and Gisele probably do...hitting the McDonald's drive-thru. Modeling really is hard work!