In case you are curious, here you go.
I am a real person. Who talks with her hands far too frequently and has a penchant for saying, " know?"
Despite that (and the mic pack that looks like it's about to crawl over my shoulder like a giant hairy cockroach), doing the Morning Blend was a crazy-fun way to spend the morning. I may be the one on camera, but so many people worked on securing, writing, and helping me prep for that segment. I totally get why actors who win Oscars need to thank a truckload of people. Here I was on a 6-minute segment of a local morning show and my list of people to thank is already 15 deep. (Erika, Jenn, Dalisa, Michelle, Katie, my mom, my husband, the pope...)
The day started with myself and the two students models waiting patiently in the Green Room. Much to my disappointment, the room was not actually green. Everyone who worked there was very friendly and smiley and appeared to be 23. (Suddenly, I felt so old). The show is live and starts promptly at 9am everyday, so they had us waiting on set by 8:55. Thankfully, we were the one right before the German Shepard rescue segment. I was a little worried the dog hair might get on the students' dresses. Also, that dog looked a little grouchy.
I was able to snap this pic before they went on air. The look I was going for was "Helpful Community Volunteer." I may not be the hottest girl or the smartest, but dammit if I'm not the most helpful.
::tiny, silent prayer::
Ah, much better. The host was cool and made me feel super comfortable.
(note: she is also TINY. Maybe 5'0" in heels. I look like an Amazon next to her).
And then our very sweet student models came out and I was able to relax and not think about myself (or Spanx.)
If you want to see more of Kim on Television, tune in next week for Part 2 -- I'll be on the MORE Show on Fox 5 here in Vegas, chatting again about Fashion Forward and Junior League. And saying silent prayers about my undergarments.
Hey! You want to come to the runway show for Fashion Forward? That's great! You can buy VIP tickets ($40) or regular admission seats ($25) on our website, It's a fantastic afternoon and a ton of fun. Come join us!