First of all, our little Bear can face forward in the car. Hooray! I love this arrangement, especially since I positioned his seat behind the passenger's seat, not mine. I just turn my head a little and can actually see my child, as opposed to having to look into the maze of mirrors I've been living with for the past year. Scotty, I think, also digs this arrangement since I usually reach back during red lights to high five him. It's like having an actual human passenger in the car, not some mysterious bundle in a baby seat. I can't wait until we start fighting over the radio station.
But...we got it installed. Twice, in fact. And now I'm not touching that car seat until it's time for him to go to a booster seat. I will likely take that car seat out to an empty field and beat it "Office Space" style one day. That's how I feel about car seat installation.
Second, we are....(drumroll please)...done with formula (!!) and DONE WITH BOTTLES! Hooray! My kitchen counters are mine again! I can finally let my lovely granite counter tops shine, and not be repressed by bottle racks. Mind you, I've been washing bottles at least 3x/day, everyday, for the last year of my life. I'm ready to be done. (I think about my friend Courtney who had kids fairly close together and she's literally been washing bottles since May 2008. With several more months ahead of her. So I really have nothing to complain about). We saw Dr. Awesome this morning and she said "vamoose!" to the bottles. I'm 100% on board with this.
Also at Dr. Awesome's appointment, we learned just how big of a Bear we have. He is currently weighing in at 27lbs, 10oz (he lost a little weight from his last appointment). He's 31 inches tall, and his head circumference is a whopping 20 inches. For weight and height, he's 97%ile and 75%ile, but for head size, he's +99ile. So we are going back in a month for a recheck, just to make sure it's evening out. I told the doc that there are just a lot of brains in there, but I blame Brian for this.
And finally, I took down the baby gates this week and have allowed our little guy to roam free. With a little coaxing and a well-placed wooden spoon (he loves his wooden spoon), he started...climbing! He made it up all 17 stairs and 2 landings with no problem and promptly crawled into the master bedroom to play with the ceiling fan remote. He is obsessed with remote controls (like his father) and is happy as a calm to push the buttons all day. I'm sure we will end up with three very dead ceiling fan remotes in about a month, but for now, he can play away.
Oh, and Brian and I have also taken to calling Scotty "the Mayor" or "Politician Bear." This kid can work a room. We walked into Child's Play yesterday (a neighborhood kids' gym) and Scotty immediately began waving to people like he knew them. He was more than happy to crawl over to anyone who was sitting, climb up their legs, and tap them on the face (there were a lot of patient parents at Child's Play yesterday). I'm surprised he didn't shake hands and kiss babies. And then we left, he again threw up a very enthusiastic, Nixon-like, two-handed wave at the room.
Such a silly boy.
Let's hope he stops biting Momma very soon.