Brian and I took our first tour of a potential preschool for Scott this morning.
Overwhelming was not the right word.
Intimidating? Exciting? Awesome? Kind of sad for me, since my days with the Bear will be coming to an end? (in like 12 months, I know, but that will go by in a flash.)
It was just a lot to take in. And despite the fact that we are still a year away from any kind of real schooling, I feel like we're already behind.
The lovely administrator we met with, as we walked the 35-acre lush campus, was quick to point out their admissions are highly competitive. Scotty will have to pass an assessment prior to admission and (gulp) will need to be fully potty-trained. I have no doubt the kid will excel with Playdoh sculpting and reciting the alphabet, but going poo-poo in the potty?
We're still months away from that.
Mainly because I haven't started yet, but now the clock is ticking. Twelve months to go...
The whole scene felt like that episode of Modern Family where Cameron and Mitchell look at schools for Lily. One of the reasons that show is so entertaining to us is because Brian and I are Cameron and Mitchell, right down to Cameron's love of flower arrangements and bossiness about event planning. We treat Scotty the same way they treat Lily - like he's going to break - and have that same parental-neurosis that happens when there is only one child in the home.
The only problem? We're not a gay couple, and our child is not adopted, which means we need to find an angle to work to ensure our kid gets into a good school.
I mean, this school was awesome. No child ever brings their lunch, as a professional chef is on staff. The cafeteria boasts real silverware, a salad bar, and nary a vending machine or soda machine in sight. The students are exposed to Spanish, French, Latin and Mandarin Chinese in fourth grade, and then pick a language to "major" in for fifth grade and beyond. The grounds were immaculate, the children were adorable, and in the three-year old class, all of them sat still as statues as snacks were passed out. Did I mention the computer lab was lined with giant, super-sleek Macs?
I'm not sure this is the right school for us (Brian and I would likely have to sell a kidney just to cover tuition), but it was fun to see how the other half lives.
We have another tour at another school set up in October, and then a third one after that. I'm hoping between the three, we will find the right school for Scott. Because despite the opulence and grandeur of this school, our Bear is still our Bear. And at one point during the tour, I looked over and found him licking a park bench.
At least he didn't swear, talk about the "pimp car," or poop during the tour.
Small blessings.