Making your own homemade baby food is far more expensive and time-consuming than you expect. Let me break down the numbers for you:
$4.99 x 2: little plastic bin-thingy that you pour the pureed baby food in
$9.99: how-to-make-your-own-baby-food book the woman at Williams-Sonoma talks you into buying, complete with very pretty, glossy pictures
$179.99: the shiny stainless--steel steamer pot that you buy, also at Williams-Sonoma, because it is well, shiny. And pretty. And matches your other cookwear.
$29.99: Cuisinart coffee bean grinder that will allow you to grind your own (wholesome, organic) grains
$13: cost of organic brown rice
$8: cost of 2 lbs of organic sweet peas (unshelled)
$9: cost of 3 lbs of organic yams
$6: cost of 3 rather small organic zucchini
$26: the cost of the salad you put together while wandering through Whole Foods, because at this point, you are starving and everything looks delicious on their salad bar. You also forget that they charge you per pound, and you somehow lumped 5 lbs worth of salad goodness into one of those little organic brown trays.
4 hours: amount of time it takes you to dirty every single appliance in your kitchen, including a cutting board, the steamer, the mixer, the food processor and then finally, the blender (used as a last resort since nothing else was working).
30 minutes: amount of time it will take you to scrape off the steamed zucchini from your ceiling after you forget to put the lid on the blender
$70: the cost for updated anti-virus protection that your husband buys for the laptop computer, after you were unable to find the directions to the Cuisinart food processor and tried to download a video to your computer thus infecting the laptop
3 hours: amount of time your husband will spend trying to fix the laptop, only to declare it ‘dead.’
$299.99: what it will cost you for the Geek Squad at Best Buy to fix your laptop, including running diagnostics, virus removal and then adding new protection.
priceless: spooning those damn organic peas (the ones that took you 2 hours to shell, steam and then mash by hand, because you never did figure out how to work the food processor) into your baby's open, expectant little mouth and then be rewarded with the biggest smile ever.
Somebody loves peas! J