This is essentially how our year ended:
Happy New Year, y'all.
With that level of debauchery and exuberance, there's a reason I love the quiet calm of January. The holiday excess finally ends and we can get down to business. Routine, cleanliness, organization. Good-bye Christmas trees, hello open space. See ya later sugar cookies, welcome back kale. Boot camp resumes, the child heads back to Pre-K, and the constant buzz from my champagne/Chardonnay intake has blissfully subsided.
Let's hear it for January!
We've been busy. We broke out the juicer on New Year's Day.
(yes, there is such a thing).
I know, I know, try to contain your enthusiasm. It's hard being this exciting. Watch out world - here comes Kim and her five kinds of flour! Who wants some groats??