Due to the aforementioned craziness, I did not get a chance to see the June 18 episode of 'The Bachelorette' (and missed Ryan getting all pissy with Emily? Wha??) Big thanks to Mariana for blogging about that ep, as I will now refer to Jef as one-f-Jef for the rest of the season. I did watch last week's episode and caught **most** of last night's (I forget to set the DVR! Curses!) so I missed Chris' hometown date as I was deep in the throes of bubble tub and bedtime with the Bear. Did anyone catch what part of Chicago he's from? Just curious.
Anyways, so with that being said, all I have to say about the June 25 episode is -- where are the camera men when you need them?! Um, aren't they hired to film the reality of this show...which is happening all the time, not just on dates? I'm referring to the whole Emily-Arie-Cassie Lambert situation. Quick recap: as reported by multiple news sources and big enough for Chris Harrison to break into programming, Arie had a past relationship with Cassie, one of the show's producers, in 2003. Cassie currently works on the show and was Emily's friend during taping (they traveled together, talked, etc). Essentially a BFF in reality TV-show land. I'm not sure Arie's amount of contact with Cassie during filming, but he AND she failed to disclose this information to Emily. For like, weeks. Finally, when they are down to 7 guys, someone (who?) spills the beans to Emily, who (sadly) does not go West-Virginia hood rat backwards on his ass, but just kind of talks to the camera is a mostly peeved-off voice. She may have dropped a swear word or two. On her date with Arie, she's totally trying to set him up by dropping buzz words like trust and loyalty. He doesn't get it, she is getting more and more upset and then - nothing. Just when things are looking really interesting, inexplicably Chris Harrison cuts in again to inform viewers that Cassie, Arie, and Emily had a heart-to-heart talk about the situation OFF-CAMERA and came to a happy resolution. OFF-CAMERA. The show then cuts to Emily and Arie, happily snuggling on a boat.
I'm not asking for this to go all Real Housewives on us, but could they have at least FILMED the discussion? We, the viewing public, would like to see that. And how much time off-camera does Emily spend with the guys? You're not supposed to hide anything, ABC TV!
And if that wasn't weird enough, something went down after Chris' date later that week, and yet, it was not caught on film. He did something that caused him to apologize profusely to Emily during the rose ceremony (and she still kept him), but what was it?? C'mon camera men! This is your job we are talking about! Stopping window shopping in Croatia and start filming!
And last night were hometown dates. I thought the whole thing was a bit dull. No taxidermists parents, no morticians, no moms that got drunk during dinner (though Arie's mom was suspect. But she's European so it's all cool.) I was really hoping they'd touch on the religious issue with one-f-Jef (i.e. is or isn't he Mormon?) but nothing was aired about it. (Camera men, did you miss that, too??) I still can't figure it out - there was a lemonade toast, three million blond-haired children, and a ranch in Utah, yet was he sipping champagne with Emily in the closing scene? What's going on here, people?
I thought Sean's family was the most annoying. They were cute and funny, but I bet that humor gets old after awhile. And how about Emily completely NOT reacting when he tried to fool her with the whole "I still live at home" bit? I was like, Damn, that girl's got a poker face. I mean, I would have walked out the door the minute I saw the crackers on the dresser with a very terse "I am NOT your mother."
Arie's family welcomed Emily by speaking a different language around her - about her. Nothing makes a person feel more welcome than when they are intentionally and deliberately excluded from the conversation. Emily, once again a beacon of Southern charm and sweetness, managed to not get upset and somehow win the family over. Arie's mom looks like a bit of a handful, so let's hope they choose to
Chris, in the end, was the one left standing. Like I said, I missed his date but did happen to catch the "I love you" part. Too little, too late, buddy. I don't know about you, but I'm shocked at how much all of the guys are just chomping at the bit to profess their love for Emily. Arie even said he can't wait to get down on one knee to propose. Paging Neil Lane!
So what are your thoughts? Everything I've read (which is mostly USWeekly) seems to suggest that the big winner is still under wraps. Bravo to production for making that happen! I think Sean is next to go, and between Arie and one-f-Jef...well, I love the little guy, but I'd pick Arie everyday of the week and twice on Sunday. Jef's ranch and giant family were charming and all, but Arie appears to be really down to Earth, super cute, and funny. Oh, and don't forget, he's a good kisser. (thank you, Emily. You say that about 600x an episode.)
Editor's note: Magic Mike will be reviewed tomorrow! Be sure to tune in!