Gotta love Alan Ball's sense of humor. I love how he sneaks it little pieces of pop culture to keep the series witty and relevant. I don't think Snookie was on the map when Charlaine Harris wrote book 4 (in fact, I'm sure she wasn't.) Ditto for trio who posted their vampire video on YouTube (, resulting in the "true death" for the poor vamp who agreed to play the part. Entrapment or just play stupidity? I'm guessing the second.
And did anyone catch the book Sookie was reading while sitting at the kitchen table as she waited for Eric? I didn't see the title, but it was definitely by Charlaine Harris.
Oh, those kidders. I bet the set of "True Blood" is a really fun place.
Anyways, I smacked Brian in the arm and excitedly asked him before last night's episode, "Maybe this is the one where Sookie and Eric hook-up?" I was practically bouncing off the couch. Because the pieces were aligning - the witches were growing stronger, Eric had lost his memory, and Sookie found him walking shirtless along the road.
Cue the shower scene.
Not yet, good fans. This episode was shocking Eric-lite, though the times he was on screen, he was downright marvelous. Eric-without-memory (clad in Jason's sleeveless purple sweatshirt, no less) is akin to Teenage Eric (all dopey and awkward) and Bad Puppy Eric (don't eat my fairy godmother! Bad vamp! Bad, bad!). Sookie certainly has her hands full as she agreed to take care of him during this infirmed time. Pam is convinced Bill sent Eric to the coven deliberately, in an effort to get rid of him, and Eric was just concerned that Pam wasn't being polite to Sookie. Sookie, as usual, was just trying to stay alive. Eric's fangs kept popping out at the most inopportune times, making both of them blush, and despite Sookie's firm ground rules ("You do not get to feed off of me"), we all know she's going to waver.
Outside of Sookie's little universe, Jason certainly has his hands - paws? - full. Crystal and Felton have tied him to a bed in the hopes he will become a werepanther. They bit him and are now waiting for the next full moon to see if he changes. He's also been assigned as the official Baby Daddy of Hot Shot, and it appears there is a waiting line of available female werepanthers, hoping to have little werecubs of their own. Can I just say...ew? I wasn't a fan of this storyline in the books, and watching poor, white, inbred trash eat disgusting morsels of raw food around a campfire does nothing for me. I love Jason and think he deserves better. Here's hoping Mr. Ball takes some serious liberties with the book's plot and makes it better.
Tara's back, and Sam finally found out. They had a very quick flirtation over tequila shots on his porch at what appeared to be 10am, before Jesus told Tara Layfayette had gone missing. He was hoping to pre-emptively stop Eric from killing all of them, although Eric is no position to seek revenge anytime soon. It appears that Jesus is the only one clued into the fact that the coven has/had more power than a vampire, but he and Tara successfully rescued Layfayette from the dungeon (and Pam's very sharp high heel) and promise to deliver Marnie to Pam within 24 hrs.
Jessica and Hoyt continue to struggle as a couple. It is so bad, in fact, that Jessica paid a visit to Bill to confess her sins and ask for advice. Her "vamp-pa," as he called himself, gave her some good fatherly wisdom and a kindly hug on the couch. I just loved the whole scene; here are two vampires that were at odds for most of last season, and now, they are like family. It warmed my heart to see Bill being a good guy and Jessica not acting the whiny teen part. Well, not too whiny. I think she'll always be a little whiny, since she's stuck as a teenager for the rest of her life.
Which leads me to...the creepiest baby doll ever.
(AGDs, I know we all thought the same thing. That's all I'm sayin').
Let me see if I've got this right: Jessica and Hoyt move into their new place. There is a creepy doll on the floor. Hoyt throws it away. It returns. Hoyt throws it in the dumpster. It comes back. Jessica chucks it into a lake. It returns...and Hoyt cuddles with it on the couch? Jessica then takes matters into her own hands and gets rid of it forevery by giving it Mikey? Really? I mean, if I had an inanimate object that kept coming back, I would bury that sucker. Or go all Game of Thrones on its ass and burn it. But give it to a baby? An allegedly possessed baby, at that? Sheesh.
The episode ended with Bill and Portia, ahem, exploring another side of their "friendship," Marnie cutting her wrist deep enough to warrant treatment, thus causing her to miss out on the spirit in the mirror, and Eric devouring Claudine, Sookie's fairy godmother ("Whoops.") I love how Portia, in the books, was this overweight, spinster attorney. In Alan Ball's world, however, she is a fiery, green-eyed vixen with super shiny hair. A nice up-grade.
What were your thoughts? Did I miss anything? Oh - the return of Alcide. Little underwhelming, especially since he inexplicably went back to Debbie Pelt. Blah. She's as detestable as her mommy-hates-me bangs.