In Bon Temps, of course. Not in our world - the real world - but in the world where werewolves, vampires, fairies, and were-panthers exist.
Yes, Charlaine Harris has pushed the boundaries of what most people are willing to accept, and Alan Ball is going along with it.
Spoiler alert: there will be a were-tiger, too. Just FYI.
Enough about the were-animals (as my were-toddler sleeps peacefully) - let's get on with this review. It's going to be short, as I don't know when the were-toddler will wake, so time is of the essence.
In this episode, we learned that Tommy gained the ability to shift into another human form as a result of his parents' murder. He became Sam for the day, and enjoyed all of the perks of Sam's life: he fired Sookie, flirted with some girls at the bar, and met up with that werewolf chick (what's her name?) He made her feel crummy and kicked her out post-hook-up, but then fate played a joke on him: he puked. (eek! not more puke! I almost hurled, too.) Sam ended up finding Tommy lying face down on the floor in his own vomit. I'm not sure if this a side effect of human shifting, or that maybe Tommy was just hitting the free liquor in Sam's office a little too hard during the day. Either way, I wouldn't be devastated if the character didn't make it.
Bill has quite the mess on his hands. He interrupted Eric and Sookie's make-out session to arrest everyone's favorite vampire, only to have Sookie call him out on it. Bill also lost one of his guards to Marnie/Antonia's witch-y influence after the guard recognized her in her cell. See, the guard was actually a priest back in the day (a bad priest), and he and Antonia go way back. Way, way back - like, 1610 back. He escaped the true death since he was out of town, but once he figured out Antonia was inhabiting Marnie's body, he went down there to have some words with her. But Marnie/Antonia didn't let him. She (they?) flashed a hand gesture, did some incantations, and - aw, snap! - Mr. Priest-Turned-Bill's-Guard was on his knees. Looks like this Marnie/Antonia chick is getting stronger by the day.
Back to Bill. He was all befuddled about the Sookie stuff. It's clear he still loves her, but she did have a point - he's sticking his fangs into whatever he wants these days, and yet she can't move on? And is Eric Northman really a danger to...anyone? No, not likely. So while Bill had to make the decision about what to do with Eric, Sookie went to help her brother.
I love Jason. I do. I think he's hilarious. This whole "am I a were-panther?" bit was priceless. He's just so darn sweet, and while he didn't want to accept his fate, at least he and Sookie had some nice sibling time together. Jason fled to the forest after Sookie ran to fetch him another beer, but Jessica trailed him, as they now share blood. I don't see this storyline ending well for Hoyt. There are obvious sparks, and considering the state of the Jessica-Hoyt union, I think Jess might make the first move. But how nice was it that Jason actually used his head for the first time in his whole life, and promptly left the forest, as to avoid any kind of temptation with Jessica?
Oh, and FYI: he's not a were-panther. Insert a tempered breathe of relief. (he was kind of hoping to be a little special).
Speaking of unsteady unions, Alcide and Debbie Pelt continue to struggle. She joined a pack behind his back and despite his protests, he agreed to go to the shifting meeting with her. They, of course, run into Sookie in the woods, since she didn't respect the full moon and stay home that night. Debbie utters the best line ever: "I know she didn't just compare us to cats." Big thanks to the writers for making very clear all of the "rules" of shifters - for those who haven't read this books, this show must feel like it's jumped the shark. The explanations were helpful, if not a little overused.
Now in Mexico, Jesus and Layfayette were trying to get back into the good graces of Jesus' abuelo. Like any loving grandfather, he sent them into the woods to kill an animal as a sacrifice. Layfayette was thisclose to being done with the whole abuelo thing when a rattlesnake slithered by. Couldn't they have found a ground squirrel? The pregnant lady locked them in a room, the grandfather let the snake bite Jesus, and Layfayette channeled a spirit. I'm not sure how the spirit saved Jesus, but it did. Uh...okay. Problem solved. But again, I ask: ground squirrel? Far less poisonous.
Tara stayed in Bon Temps and reunited with her girlfriend. After a nice day visiting the local haunts, they were approached by Pam, who based on the previews, attacks them. Again, I'm just guessing here, but I think Lesbian Cagefighter Girlfriend dies, as Tara is now ready to join the witches' side. Can't Tara get a break? Move far away from the South. I'm thinking...Canada. Good luck, Tara.
Arlene and Terry's house blew up, but thankfully, everyone made it out alive. This includes baby Mikey AND the creepy doll. Once again, who started the fire - the baby, the doll, or someone else? And how did Mikey get out of his crib and on the lawn so quickly? I don't know about you, but I have two words for Arlene and Terry: crib tent.
Obviously, I've saved the best for last. Bill, in his mercy, decides to pardon Eric. Pam is also set free (yay for no silly jail break scene!) to wreak havoc on Tara and her girlfriend. And while Sookie is trampling around in the woods - it was a full moon, did you know? - she runs smack into everyone's favorite Viking. Hooray! Cue the smooch and the big love scene. And what a scene it was.
Now I just have to say, my favorite comment I heard after last night's episode was this: today at music lessons, my friend Deana and her mom were talking about it. Her mom says, "Did you notice how hairy Eric's legs are?" And Deana and I both burst into laughter and say at the same time, "We weren't looking at his legs!"
Hahahahaha. Thank you, Alan Ball.
More Eric, please.