Long story short- no baby yet!!!
As of 6PM (PST) Kim and baby B were still one. Kim has dilated to 3.5 cm and is still feeling good and comfy. George appeared for another quick and to the point visit stating once she can get to 4.5 cm things will really start to rock and roll. In the meatime, sit back and relax; this could be a long night. At this point all is still on track for a natural birth. Brian has been able to clear his schedule for the rest of the week, so they are ready to hunker down!!
Now, we do have to remember I am not on PST time and have a 2 hr time difference. Since I will need some sleep tonight (I seem to have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow) I might not be able to post as many updates as one would like. However, I will do my best.
Until next time...