This is great. I am really starting to like exercising (again) and seeing results is so fun. I am now down 5.8 lbs since the start of Weigh-In Wednesdays, and my BMI is 27.1. (
Hooray! I haven't seen the likes of these numbers since 2008, but that's not saying much. (2009 was kind of a fatty year for me).
It's so funny, going to the gym. Pre-Bear, I hated it. Dreaded it. Forced myself to do it, and just getting there was probably 80% of the battle. Once I was there, I usually enjoyed my work-out, but ugh, was it a chore.
Anno-Domino-Bear, you can't get me out of the gym. It's like that shining, exciting moment of my day when I get to (gasp!) leave the house without a baby in tow and spend 40-60 blissful minutes listening to music, watching TV, not answering my phone, or not attempting to feed an almost 14-month old food that he would rather fling on the floor. The gym is my sanctuary and I LOVE it.
Major attitude change, to say the least.
I remember watching a mom on the Today Show several years back talk about how she was training for a marathon. Within a year of giving birth to quintuplets (or something crazy like that). I remember thinking, "Okay, whatever, Overachiever. You are making the rest of us couch potatoes look bad." But now, I totally get it. She looked forward to her one (or four) hour(s) out of the house, running hills and pounding the pavement. It's probably a sad conclusion to make, but yes, there are many times I would rather be beating up my body physically than wrestling a small Bear into the bath or coaxing him to please eat one more bite. That's Motherhood for you, I guess.
Boot camp is tonight! Can't wait. Last week was absolute hell (in a good way). It was mostly guys (blah); tall, muscular guys that looked like they were training for a triathlon or something. I missed my usual girls who giggle and groan between laps. These guys were all business and took themselves way too seriously. And the fewer the people in the class, the less downtime you have between laps. I almost threw up, I was so winded. But it felt great to run, jump, hop (yes), and grapevine across the floor, and seeing results is even more fun.
How are you doing?