I can't even keep up on what day we are on. Last check, it was Monday, but I couldn't tell you the date. I'm assuming we're still in August.
We are living life two hours at a time. For those of you who know, one of Brian's favorite (and my LEAST favorite) movies is 'The Fast and the Furious.' In it, Vin Diesel tells Paul Walker the he lives life a quarter mile at a time (the length of a 10-second drag race in a fast car.) Well, Vin Diesel should really try breast feeding because that two hour window is way faster than any souped-up Nissans. It is seriously a race from feeding to feeding - sleep, eat, clean, wash stuff, wash self, snuggle with baby, stare at baby, pray baby does is not cold, in pain, or any kind of general discomfort. Attempt to appease cat. Talk to various friends/family members. Forge for food. So much to do.
Will write more later. I really want to dedicate an entire entry to bodily functions. Fascinating yet scary. Who knew the human body was complex?