Yeah, it didn't happen this year. Not only did I forget to sacrifice November, I lost track of time completely.
In fact, due to Marathon Madness, I essentially forgot about Thanksgiving all together. It wasn't until about a week before Turkey Day did a friend ask me what we had planned for dinner. "What dinner?" I asked naively, thinking it was still weeks away. At that point, my internal calendar read "Four Days Post-Marathon," not "Seven Days Until T-Day."
Instead of panicking, which I probably would have done in years past, a lovely sense of calm pervaded. Maybe my brain was still bathed in the endorphin shower from the race or maybe I've just mentally re-calibrated everything in my life on a new scale called "I Just Ran A Marathon...This Sh*t Doesn't Matter."
Either way, I simply picked up the phone, made dinner reservations, and continued on my merry way.
Who knew? Running for four hours (...and forty-four minutes...and fifty-eight seconds...) with Reinier cured my lifelong battle with anxiety. All these years, for both clients and myself, I've toted cognitive-behavioral therapy and the positives of pharmaceuticals. I should have just pointed them in the direction of the nearest running store and we could have all gone out for a run.
And so, I'm happy to report that while the holidays are happening all around us, some buffer in my brain refuses to buy into the stress that comes with it. You know what? Things are going great. The house is still standing. The sun continues to rise. Who knew??
Our Thanksgiving was awesome. I sipped Sancerre while Brian had a pumpkin beer. Taking a brief break from veganism, the turkey Wellington was definitely worth it. I only wish Gordon Ramsay would do something about their reptile problem...
Scotty even wrote a letter to the big guy. Please note, this is the heavily edited version.
It says, "Dear Santa, I want fish, please. Love, Scotty."
Dear Santa,
I would like sharks for Christmas. Lots and lots of sharks! I'd like a great white shark, a white-tipped reef shark, a basking shark, a lemon shark, a zebra shark, a mako shark, a leopard shark, a nursing shark, a whale shark, and a six-gilled blunt nose shark. I've been really good. I'm a big kid. I chew gum now.
Love, Scott
Finally, we're baking up a storm. Yes, there is sugar, butter, and white flour in these cookies. And yes, I've had a couple. (how can you resist?) But different than years past, I'm not eating meals of cookies followed by chocolate pieces washed down with wine. I feel so good eating the way I am, I even brought a little vegan feast to the Board meeting last night for Junior League.
Either way, I hope this finds all of you enjoying the month we are currently in. My house may not be spotless and my holiday cards haven't been sent yet, but who cares? This is the best running weather of the year. I'd rather get in a few miles than lick stamps any day.